How to verify your ingredients

Walk through of Self-verification

Ingredient self-reporting allows you to understand and confirm the ingredient status yourself. 

When you see a status that requires more information, this means that Novi's system has found a  requirement for that ingredient based on the policies you have selected. You'll see a summary of all these requirements under "Actions Needed for Verification" at the top of your product details page.

How to self-report ingredients

You can self-verify ingredients by clicking in to your Product Details page from your Formula Verification Dashboard.

Product Details:

  1. Visit the Product Page by clicking on the title of your product in your Dashboard

  2. Scroll to the Actions Needed pane

  3. When you see an orange square, you have the option to verify the ingredient and change the status yourself by checking a box or entering a percentage.

When would I use ingredient self-reporting?

Self-reporting gives you the flexibility and control to understand what restrictions & requirements you need to know to meet your chosen policies. This comes in handy when you:

  • Work with a trusted supplier and know their ingredient meets the requirement

  • Have a product with the same ingredient that was previously approved

  • Don’t have the document on-hand to upload, but know it’s already been reviewed

Vetting products to ensure compliance with standards, certification bodies, and retailer policies is one of Novi’s most used features.

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